然后,需要进行预处理(-i INPUT: the path of input original dataset;-d DICTSIZE: the specified word count of dictionary, if not set, dictionary will contain all the words in input dataset;-m –mergeDict: merge source and target dictionary, thus, two dictionaries have the same context)
python preprocess.py -i data/wmt14 -d 30000
#trg_dict = dict()
#for line_count, line in enumerate(open(trg_lang_dict, "r")):
# trg_dict[line.strip()] = line_count
import sys
from seqToseq_net import *
# whether this config is used for generating
is_generating = False
### Data Definiation
data_dir = "./data/pre-wmt14"
train_conf = seq_to_seq_data(data_dir = data_dir,
is_generating = is_generating)
### Algorithm Configuration
learning_method = AdamOptimizer(),
batch_size = 50,
learning_rate = 5e-4)
### Network Architecture
gru_encoder_decoder(train_conf, is_generating)
#edit-mode: -*- python -*-
import sys
### for cluster training
fs_name = "hdfs://xxxxxxxxxxxx",
fs_ugi = "xxxx,xxxx",
work_dir ="/xxxxxxxxxxxx",
from seqToseq_net import *
# whether this config is used for generating
is_generating = False
# whether this config is used for cluster training
is_cluster = get_config_arg('is_cluster', bool, False)
### Data Definiation
data_dir = "./data/pre-wmt14" if not is_cluster else "./"
train_conf = seq_to_seq_data(data_dir = data_dir,
is_generating = is_generating)
### Algorithm Configuration
learning_method = AdamOptimizer(),
batch_size = 50,
learning_rate = 5e-4)
### Network Architecture
gru_encoder_decoder(train_conf, is_generating)
注:获取mpi job的status的脚本:get_mpi_job_status.py
#num_passes: set number of passes. One pass in paddle means training all samples in dataset one time
#show_parameter_stats_period: here show parameter statistic every 100 batches
#trainer_count: set number of CPU threads or GPU devices
#log_period: here print log every 10 batches
#dot_period: here print ‘.’ every 5 batches
## local
paddle train \
--config='translation/train.conf' \
--save_dir='translation/model' \
--use_gpu=false \
--num_passes=16 \
--show_parameter_stats_period=100 \
--trainer_count=4 \
--log_period=10 \
--dot_period=5 \
2>&1 | tee 'translation/train.log'
## cluster
cp ../dataprovider.py $dir/.
cp ../seqToseq_net.py $dir/.
cp ../data/pre-wmt14/src.dict $dir/.
cp ../data/pre-wmt14/trg.dict $dir/.
paddle cluster_train \
--config=train.cluster.conf \
--config_args=is_cluster=true \
--use_gpu=cpu \
--trainer_count=8 \
--num_passes=16 \
--log_period=10 \
--thirdparty=./thirdparty \
--num_nodes=2 \
--job_priority=normal \
--job_name=xxxxx_paddle_platform_translation_demo \
--time_limit=00:30:00 \
--submitter=xxxxxxxx \
jobid=`grep jobid train.log.$timestamp | awk -F'jobid=' '{print $2}' | awk -F'.' '{print $1}'`
echo $jobid
~/.jumbo/bin/python $workspace_path/get_mpi_job_status.py -j $jobid -s ecom_off
[[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "mpi job failed...$jobid" && exit 1
#I0719 19:16:45.952062 15563 TrainerInternal.cpp:160] Batch=10 samples=500 AvgCost=198.475 CurrentCost=198.475 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.737155 CurrentEval: classification_error_evaluator=0.737155
#I0719 19:17:56.707319 15563 TrainerInternal.cpp:160] Batch=20 samples=1000 AvgCost=157.479 CurrentCost=116.483 Eval: classification_error_evaluator=0.698392 CurrentEval: classification_error_evaluator=0.659065
#AvgCost: Average Cost from 0th batch to current batch
#CurrentCost: Cost in current batch
#classification_error_evaluator(Eval): False prediction rate for each word from 0th evaluation to current evaluation
#classification_error_evaluator(CurrentEval): False prediction rate for each word in current evaluation
import sys
from seqToseq_net import *
# whether this config is used for generating
is_generating = True
### Data Definiation
gen_conf = seq_to_seq_data(data_dir = "./data/pre-wmt14",
is_generating = is_generating,
gen_result = "./translation/gen_result")
### Algorithm Configuration
learning_method = AdamOptimizer(),
batch_size = 1,
learning_rate = 0)
### Network Architecture
gru_encoder_decoder(gen_conf, is_generating)
# local
paddle train \
--job=test \
--config='translation/gen.conf' \
--save_dir='data/wmt14_model' \
--use_gpu=false \
--num_passes=13 \
--test_pass=12 \
--trainer_count=1 \
2>&1 | tee 'translation/gen.log'
#job: set job mode to test
#save_dir: the path of saved models
#num_passes and test_pass: loading model parameters from test_pass to (num_passes - 1), here only loads data/wmt14_model/pass-00012
0 -11.1314 The <unk> <unk> about the width of the seats while large controls are at stake <e>
1 -11.1519 The <unk> <unk> on the width of the seats while large controls are at stake <e>
2 -11.5988 The <unk> <unk> about the width of the seats while large controls are at stake . <e>
0 -24.4149 The dispute is between the major aircraft manufacturers about the width of the tourist seats on the <unk> flights , paving the way for a <unk> confrontation during the month of the Dubai <unk> . <e>
1 -26.9524 The dispute is between the major aircraft manufacturers about the width of the tourist seats on the <unk> flights , paving the way for a <unk> confrontation during the month of Dubai ' s <unk> . <e>
2 -27.9574 The dispute is between the major aircraft manufacturers about the width of the tourist seats on the <unk> flights , paving the way for a <unk> confrontation during the month of Dubai ' s Dubai <unk> . <e>
#This is the beam search result, where beam size is 3
#‘0’ in 1st-line and ‘1’ in 6th-line mean the sequence-id in gen data
#Other six lines list the beam search results
# The 2nd-column is the score of beam search (from large to small)
# The 3rd-colunm is the generating English sequence
#There is 2 special tokens:
# <e>: the end of a sequence
# <unk>: a word not included in dictionary